On October, the 20th, the e-Diploma leader – UJI – visited Brainstorm facilities to discuss the next steps of the project and to have a closer look at the technical solution proposed.
The consortium is currently starting the study of the European e-learning ecosystem of e-learning, as well as the analysis of remote elearning in teacher training, which is the first phase of the project and would lead to the development of a Tool Kit of best practices.
The second phase is to run a co-creation process among teachers and technical experts that would result in the development of different lessons, and how to approach these tasks was mainly the topic on which the meeting revolved around.
In this sense, details were discussed on the evaluation to be done by the teachers, students and developers’, who are expected to share their perceptions about the online learning environment and tools. In a first approach, it was decided to develop a pre-recorded lesson for University students and another for High school students, while the options to use it in a flipped-classroom format or in a conventional format were told to be taken during the co- creation process.
To further design the case studies, a demonstration of the elearning tool Edison was made.
Edison is a solution to create live and online presentations, in which users can start with a simple Power Point or Pdf file and then add either pictures, sound and video or 3D objects and animations. Teachers using Edison can immerse themselves in the virtual environment and easily control the presentation, which makes the tool a clear addition to the project.
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